Sunday, January 31, 2010


Overall, I was happy with this week's pics. The biscotti shot was, admittedly, hastily done and I've definitely done better with lighting and 'plating' in the past. (But to be honest, those biscotti took up my whole night as it was). The pick for this week was chosen because it was capturing a dynamic scene--something my other photos haven't done. After all, it's much easier to grab the 'perfect' shot when you've got the time to play around with the composition and settings.

Goal for this week: Capture another dynamic scene.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

This week

The photos this week started on a good note with the 'Love' shot and the 'WANE' graffiti. Towards the end of the week, it was kind of a scramble for a shot I was pleased with as opposed to a shot "just to take a picture." I know it's too much to expect every day to produce a shot I can be proud of every time I look at it and I hope it's just one of hopefully very few creative ruts.

Goal for this week:
The past couple of weeks have involved a fair amount of cropping and rotating in the post-processing portion. (I normally do a few tweaks to adjust balance and contrast to bring the picture back to the mood the scene gave me.) I am trying to veer away from the cropping and the alignment at least to start since I feel those are the easiest to fix at the time the shot is taken. Framing is something I should be able to do fairly easily with a variable zoom lens and something that, if I moved to a fixed-zoom lens, I would have a much harder time doing; having to move my feet instead of rotating the lens.

Also, I'd like to keep this up weekly where I perhaps pick my fave from the week and talk about a goal for the next week.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Because a photo blog needs a Photo Blog...

It's been a little over a week since I started my photo-a-day project and started posting one picture taken each day over here and I began thinking: "I should have a proper blog to discuss the pictures I post instead of doing so in the captions.

So here it is. I plan to discuss the concepts I'm reading about or attempting, the ideas I have for pictures in the future, and other things related to this project and photography in general.