Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Recently, I kicked into blog updating mode; so, I'm going back and posting my pic of the week selections starting waaaay back from mid-March... It'll be a task; but, it's been a long time coming. Maybe I'll even finish before my vacation next week...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week of 4/25-5/1

The texture on this saddle caught my eye a few times as I rode past it. That and the fact that I've begun to ride my bike much more often drew me to it for this daily. A friend of mine tells me Brooks saddles are apparently really comfy... I don't know about this particular one; but, I've gotta try one out.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week of 4/18-4/24

The baristas at Intelligentsia sure know how to make a good espresso. I tried, but I don't think this shot did it justice. I think a little better reflected lighting at the front of the cup for more even lighting would have helped a bit. I did like how the parts of the whole at least didn't confuse... whether they all added up to one cogent idea is another story...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Week of 4/11-4/17

I don't think I would have spotted this one without Andres' eye. Taken on our way back from lunch, the angle made this shot something special.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week of 4/4-4/10

I loved this action shot of Grace applying kotegaeshi to Patterson-Sensei at one of our Aikido lessons. You don't have to be big to move big things!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week of 3/28-4/3

Huge props go to Matt for creating these subjects. Cut up some silk ties (ugly ones work best!), wet them, wrap some eggs with them tightly, wrap the egg/tie bundle in old pillow case shreds, wrap all of THAT in a cheesecloth and boil for 3-4 hours. Serve but don't eat...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Week of 3/21-3/27

This was from one of those moments where you know it's so memorable so you try to catch a really good shot of it to explain what it was. Try finding the shot that explains an unofficial saint patties day parade for a secret organization on the south side of Chicago with homemade floats powered by bicycles and alcohol... What an awesome time! (check out the rest of the photos here!)